Monday, April 9, 2018

Lam Liver and other Lovely things :)

Yesterday was Easter in Romania! So we got two Easters and that was so fun! (At least I celebrated two easters). Paste Ferecit! :) 

We had an Easter activity at the church and where they served traditional Romanian Easter food and I just started eating it without knowing what was in it. I knew there was Sarmale, hard boiled eggs, and bread, and this other greenish brownish thing that didn't taste super awesome and had a weird texture but I ate the whole thing! It's called DROB, and it's LAMB LIVER and other meat from Lambs, nu stiu. But I ate it and it was a Super fun experience! 

This week we had the wonderful opportunity to share our Easter Video with lots of people at the park. One of the people we met at the park is now one of our INVESTIGATORS and she IS SOO CRAZY PREPARED FOR THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST AND WE HAVE BAPTISMAL DATE WITH HER NOW! Here's a little bit about her story, read, if you want :)

-When we met Magda at the park she expressed all these feelings of frustration that she had with God, and that she had just decided that day that she was done with God and wanted to give up on religion and end her Easter fast. But that we looked so peaceful and that she felt like us coming to her was an answer to her prayer. She told us we were like ANGELS! We met up with her again a couple days later, did a church tour and had a lesson about the restoration. She loved it. We talked about the Book of Mormon and how it testifies of Christ, and read the intro and Alma 7:11-13 with her. She just kept on reading out loud and the verse right after was about BAPTISM, so Sora Nowjack talked to her about that and invited her to be baptized on the 28th of April if she continues to learn more and is prepared and ready. She was like, "I've already been baptized, (because she's orthodox) but yeah I can be baptized again! I feel ready for this now, what else do I need to do?" So then we started talking about commandments including the word of wisdom, and she told us that she smokes and drinks and that to completely quit smoking and drinking would be really hard for her, and that it's such a BIG change and if she was being honest with herself she wouldn't be ready for that on the 28th of April. I was able to explain, in the best Romanglish that I know, that God's not asking her to completely change all at once. But that He wants to her to make the small little changes that will change her and her life for the better, and that it starts with reading and praying about the Book of Mormon. She said she would read! She prayed at the end of our lesson! I have such high hopes for Magda! She is SO ready for this in her life! She wants a change! Her desire is so pure! I'm not sure if we will teach her a lot in the future because she lives in the boundaries for the other Branch in Romania, but I have so much love for her and I KNOW that she will enter the waters of baptism in her life, whether the 28th of April or whenever she can be prepared and ready, and that the Lord will bless her IMMENSELY and send her the answers and love that she's seeking in her life right now. 

This was my first real real  missionary experience and it was absolutely amazing. Sitting down and teaching Magda brought the spirit into the room. I was able to share personal experiences, and speak in Romanian that I haven't spoken in before. The Lord truly helps us through His spirit and I am so grateful! This is His work! And I know the Book of Mormon is true! Reading it everyday and sharing it with people on my mission has been such a spiritual treat. This book holds the truth of this gospel. I do not have a perfect testimony of every gospel principle, but this I do know: The Book of Mormon is the word of God and because of this, EVERYTHING else about the Gospel is true. The church is true, the book is blue! 

Voi Iubesc! Cat de ferecit va spun mereu, trieste mantoritorul meu!
-Sora Dahl

Pics of this week!!!
-We found an emoji cake cookbook during our language study! you KNOW I found the poop cupcakes :)
-This is the plate of food I ate for the easter activiy. the drob is the green stuff on the top right YUM lol
-WE MADE GERMAN PANCAKES ON EASTER MORNING! I ate almost the whole pan :) so proud of myself :) I'll let you know how many pounds I gain

Thursday, April 5, 2018

O saptamana minunata!

Wow What a wonderful week! So many great things happened! We had our 5 week training with my old MTC district, we had exchanges, we had our English fast (eek), we had our Easter concert, and we had GENERAL CONFERENCE! WOOHOO!!! What a full week! Mission life is good! 

I don't have a lot of time this week but I'm so grateful for this season where we get to remember our Savior and all that He did for us. Traieste! Salvatorul Meu!

In our Easter Concert this week I got to sing a short solo in the song Peace in Christ. I want to share the words:
"Daca alinam. Lacrimi de stergem. Cand traim cum a trait pace-n El avem." 
Mend the broken hearts. Dry the tear filled eyes. When we live the way He lived, there is peace in Christ.

I'm so grateful for my Savior. He is everything in my life. He made everything possible. Because of Him, we have unlimited chances and opportunities to try again, to be better, to smile wider, to be NEW each and every day. He gives me strength and hope and peace. 

I'm so grateful for GENERAL CONFERENCE! We watched the sessions in Romanian so I barely understood anything and tbh I was kinda frustrated. General conference is such a spiritual TREAT and I was frustrated that I could only understand a few main words from each talk. But by the end of the sessions I was able to understand the main ideas better and I know that it's through the Holy Ghost that that was possible. He gives us the gift of discernment! Because even though I didn't understand everything word for word like I normally do, I was able to discern the overall main messages of the talks and that was enough to answer the questions I needed answered. I'm so grateful for conference, and I'm so grateful for our prophet! I love and sustain him and his positive, encouraging countenance gives me strength to declare Christ's gospel with a more cheerful, hopeful heart! 

I'm learning and growing everyday! This is Christ's work! This is His Gospel! He lives! El Traieste!!!!!

--My old MTC district sisters :')
--Sora Lowther's (my old comp) first time trying Luca!!! YUM
--Exchanges ft. Sora Preda! She's the CUTEST member! Every year for her birthday she insists on doing missionary work with the missionaries and visits other members hahaha. She even wears her own missionary nametag that she made herself. hahah she's so CUTE!
--Easter Sunday with me, my mom (Sora Nowjack), my sister (Sora Colt) and my niece (Sora De Waal). Missionary terminology is weird idk
--Me at the Easter targ! Romanians make the CUTEST stuff!!!

Sorry this isn't a very thorough email whoops oh well catch up with ya'll l8r ;-)

Lam Liver and other Lovely things :)

Yesterday was Easter in Romania! So we got two Easters and that was so fun! (At least I celebrated two easters). Paste Ferecit! :)  We h...