Monday, March 19, 2018

The snow is BACK and SO AM I

Hello everyone it is almost April and it still snowing in Romania! Seems like the weather here is just as bipolar as Utah! I thought we made it through the winter but lol NOPE guess not! I've been bundling up, I'll let you know if I freeze and become a Romanian Popsicle! 

It was a great week in Panduri! We haven't had a ton of lessons, and we planned to meet up with lots of people and most of them fell through but hey that's missionary life! I'm getting used to it real fast! We've been vising lots of less active members and sharing messages with them. Sora Nowjack and I are determined to bring them back to church! 

After many days of not having much success with our potential investigators, we had one day that was just full of so many blessings! This past Friday we were able to teach a short lesson about the Book of Mormon to this girl that comes to our English class. We explained about the Book of Mormon, where it came from, what it can do for us, and I didn't speak super well but I invited her to read the first chapter! She took the book! Yay!

Also on Friday we went to go visit a less active member's son for his birthday and give him a bday treat and they weren't home :(  So we started block knocking and like the first door that opened was a man that talked to us and wanted us to come back! He has a daughter and wants to have her learn to study the Bible in English and so we came back yesterday and snuck a Book of Mormon in there too ;) We got to explain about it and we're DEFINITELY gonna go back and check up on them!
After talking to this man we kept knock blocking and GUESS WHAT. We knock block on this door and this younger lady answers with her little kids, and then we SAW EDI AND MIHAILA! The kids that we originally came to see in the first place! We got to give them their candy and with Edi a La Multi Ani! The lady invited us in and we got to stay for a while and ended up talking to her and gave her a Book of Mormon too! She said she would read! We have since gone back to her place, she didn't have time to read but we will come back again! But isn't that crazy?! BLESSINGS!!!

As far as the language goes, I'm still learning and progressing and I've got a loooong ways to go. The members here tell me that I speak pretty well and that I don't have an American accent which makes me FEEL GOOD but then when I speak to people when we contact I like freeze up and can barely say anything. I definitely need the Lord in this work! I cannot communicate with His children without His help! 

Other random things about this week:
-We ate at a members house after cleaning her windows and putting up her curtains. IT WAS DELICIOUS! She has lots of pictures of flowers on her wall haha!
-St. Patricks Day! Wasn't lucky at all, everyone bunged us, but I still wore the little four leaf clover martisor pin that one of our English students gave me. His name is Marin, he's like 50 and he's so cute!
-I stepped in dog poop so that was FUN!
-Our faucet to our kitchen sink like totally blew off and so we got water EVERYWHERE and when we had the landlord guy come fix it he just screwed it back on no problem. Lol. welp.
-We had District Conference and I got to see Sora Madsen from Pleasant Grove! GO VIKINGS!!!
-Also I like to punch icicles when I see them on the street. I also like to lick them?? 

I've got a long ways to go in becoming the missionary the Lord wants me to be but I just keep trying each and every day! One day at a time! By small and simple things are great things brought to pass!

Love all of you! Voi iubesc!

Casa poporului! The heaviest building in the WORLD! 
That's the view we get to see when we block knock in tall complexes!

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