Sunday, February 11, 2018

February 10, 2018

WE'RE HALFWAY THERE (of course when I say we I mean you) WAYHO, LIVIN ON A BILLION PRAYERS

My subject title is a reference to Bon Jovi AND the Grinch AND the wayo girl AND missionary work. You're welcome.  

This week was good! Lots of ups and downs, language is getting harder the more we learn, and missionary life is getting busier! But it's all good because that's how it's supposed to be! And something I was told this week that has really helped me with the language is that "The Spirit speaks perfect Romanian, Italian, etc." So as long as I bear my testimony, even if in broken Roma-nglish, the spirit will speak for me. I'm so grateful for that!

Another thing I learned this week was the importance of the Book of Mormon. Pretty much all of our devotional topics were on the Book of Mormon, it was like the spirit was hitting us in the face over and over again saying "USE THE BOOK OF MORMON!!" so now we try to testify of the book of mormon or use it at least once in our lessons and I can definitely tell a difference. Cartea lui Mormon are puterea! (The Book of Mormon has the power!)

I had a really profound spiritual experience this past week and I'm grateful that the Lord has blessed me with an answer to one of my prayers. This past week I've been really struggling with having a firm testimony of a certain gospel principle and I've been praying and praying for help to receive an answer as to how to gain this testimony. On Sunday we watched a video by Elder Bednar and I felt the spirit so strong during that meeting and I knew it was an answer from God:
"Don't just sit around waiting for this big dramatic spiritual realization. He shouldn't have to be constantly smacking us with the Holy Ghost in order to speak to us. KEEP MOVING FORWARD, KEEP KEEPING COVENANTS, KEEP BEING A GOOD BOY OR GOOD GIRL. Quit worrying about whether it's the spirit or not, just keep moving forward." It's not a direct quote, I'm paraphrasing quite a bit, but I'm so grateful for this answer to my prayer! I know that as I continue as a missionary, trying my hardest, testifying of what I do know to be true, then the Lord will fill in my gaps and my testimony will continue to grow. I'm so thankful that the gospel is all about continual personal progression!

Other fun things this week.. let's see.
Supposedly my mission is desolving! :( My district and I have been kinda anxious about this, because all we've been told is that our mission is changing and that it's no longer the romania moldova mission starting in July. Except we haven't been told exactly what the change is. Supposedly we're combining with Hungary? i don't know, but the Lord does! And that's all that really matters. 

It was Varsnicul Froerer's birthday this week! Mai Multi Ani! (Happy birthday in Romanian). We celebrated with cookies after class!

I've been playing lots of volleyball in the MTC and it's been SO FUN! We've been having some good ball too! (The French elders are pretty good). You're not supposed to dive but whoops I have a couple times and now I have holes in my sweatpants. Oh well.

One of our teachers (sora pond) got hit by a car, but she's okay and was able to come to class after a couple days! So no worries! Everyone's safe. But we really missed not having her here and we're so glad she's back!

One of my comps (Sora Lowther) had RAW chicken this week!!! The food at the MTC is good for the most part (they have chicken like EVERY day and so you KNOW what I'm eating!!!) but she took a bit of her chicken and it was straight up RAW haha we took a picture and laughed about it. They served chik-fil-a that night and so we were able to have some good chicken after that. 

Sora De Waal and I got ~emo~ :3 one night and that was fun hahaha

Varsnicul Dahl is the weirdest/funniest guy I've ever met hahaha and he is a hardcore cowboy (but if you ask him he's "cattleman" haha) and this week he roped someone with a 50 foot extension cord haha. I don't have a pic or a video but just a funny memory. It was after service activity.Don't worry, we're doing missionary work here I promise.

Anyways, that's a good update for this week! Thank you all for the love and support I'm so grateful for all of you!! enjoy these pics :)

Love, Sora Dahl 

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