Sunday, February 25, 2018

I leave on Monday

Buna ziua! Whoa! (Romanians say Whoa a lot and it's kinda funny lol) 

This was a great week here at the MTC. I cannot believe I only have a few more days left. I don't have a ton of time today so this won't be super long, but something AMAZING happened this week. ELDER HOLLAND CAME TO THE  MTC AND SPOKE TO US! I am still in shock! 
One of the notes I took from that night was "From the time I get up to the time I go to bed everyday for 18 months I am engaged in the salvation of a soul." Wow! What a perspective to have for my mission! If I keep this perspective in mind, that I'm not here for me and I'm here to help save one of God's children, that that will change everything about my mission. I will want to better conduct myself in such a way that I truly exemplify the Savior. I will want to face everything that comes my way with a more cheerful attitude. I will want to be more obedient, try a little harder, and be a little better each and every day. And that is what I want to do from this day on until the end of my mission. If I remember what I'm really here to do--save one of God's living souls--then I know that the Lord will help me be the kind of missionary I want to be. I still have lots of work to do, but I'm still trying, and the Lord sees that. I'm so thankful that the Lord sees that!  

Another thing that Holland discussed was the fact that often times, to the members of the church, missionaries are seen as perfect people. And while they may not be true, they still hold us to such a high standard. And it got me thinking about the little kiddos I love so much, that think the world of me, despite all my flaws and imperfections. Jaxon, Lexi, Dallas, Briggs, Tatum, Trey, Duke, and the new babies that will soon be a part of my family. I love those kids so much. I pray for them each and every night. And the night that Holland came and spoke to us I realized that if I'm going to seem perfect to anyone, it's those little kiddos. If they look up to me and watch me then I want to give them someone to look up to. 

Sorry this is gonna be short but I don't have a lot of time and for some reason my group email that I've been drafting just got deleted. So, here we go take two!  

The most memorable spiritual experience I had this week, and perhaps one of the most memorable of my entire MTC experience, was the evening Elder Holland came to speak to us. I'm so grateful for that opportunity and am humbled that he took the time to speak to us, to me. One of the notes I took from that night was "From the time I get up to the time I go to bed everyday for 18 months I am engaged in the salvation of a soul." Wow! What a perspective to have for my mission! If I keep this perspective in mind, that I'm not here for me and I'm here to help save one of God's children, that that will change everything about my mission. I will want to better conduct myself in such a way that I truly exemplify the Savior. I will want to face everything that comes my way with a more cheerful attitude. I will want to be more obedient, try a little harder, and be a little better each and every day. And that is what I want to do from this day on until the end of my mission. If I remember what I'm really here to do--save one of God's living souls--then I know that the Lord will help me be the kind of missionary I want to be. I still have lots of work to do, but I'm still trying, and the Lord sees that. I'm so thankful that the Lord sees that!  

This week the old Italians in our zone left for Italy and that was really sad because I've grown so close to them, but they're going to do amazing in Italy! I'm so grateful to have been apart of this zone!

As my days here in the MTC come to a close, I'm overwhelmed with so many emotions. I'm so grateful for this experience here, and I'm so sad to see it end. The spirit is truly here within these buildings. It truly is a dedicated place for missionary work. The teachers are not just my teachers, they're my friends and they've taught me more than just how to speak Romanian, they've taught me how to be a better missionary and to be a better me. I'm so grateful for all the friends I've been able to make, within and apart from my zone. I'm grateful for tall the fun memories playing volleyball here, and I know that was a tender mercy from the Lord to help me better enjoy my MTC experience. 

If this email is getting too sappy it's because I'm getting too sappy. I need to write about the more light-hearted stuff so I can stop being a baby.

I learned this week that I shouldn't be doing peace signs because they're like gang signs. So I'm sorry for every picture that I've sent with me doing one.. I will be a better missionary from here on out.

There was a BLIZZARD today at the temple! So fun! We got so soaked but it was so fun! 

The language is well... asa si asa. Meaning, it's just okay. I know I'll learn even more Romanian in Romania!

Thank you all for the love and support, I appreciate every prayer and every kind thought that you've sent my way! 

-varstnicul gailey being ~tumblr~  hahhaha 
-zone pics

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