Friday, February 16, 2018


My subject this week is a dumb phrase my district and I have come up with. It's means let's peace! We say it when we're leaving places. But apparently it doesn't translate well in English, so it literally makes no sense to Romanians, hahah oh well. 

This was a GOOD WEEK! I am loving the MTC! The language is getting harder the more I learn, but I'm really enjoying MTC life and all its challenges. Updates for this week!

On Sunday my companions and I got to teach a lesson in Relief Society. We walk into the room and see a special guest: Sister Martino--the MTC president's WIFE! The MTC relief society president! No pressure there haha ahhh! But thankfully our lesson went really well. The topic of "Teach Repentance and Baptize Converts." In this lesson we had a good, engaged discussion with the entire class (as well as Sister Martino!) and I felt the spirit so strong as we testified of the simplicity of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The principles may be simple--faith, repentance, baptism, sacrament, endure to the end--but each one builds off the other and they hold so much truth and application, especially for investigators who haven't received this knowledge before. The gospel of Jesus Christ is so simple but so perfect, and it's through Jesus Christ that we are able to progress and return to our Father in Heaven. This is the testimony I shared as we taught on Sunday and as I spoke there was such a sweet spirit in the room. Tears formed in my eyes as well as some of my Surori (plural soras). When we testify of the Savior, even if in the simplest of terms, principles, commandments, whatever it may be, the spirit will always confirm the truth that is being taught. This is His gospel, and when we open our mouth to proclaim it, the Holy Ghost will testify of its truth. 
This week we also had the really cool experience of teaching a lesson to a real-life Romanian member through Skype! It was so cool! Her name was Tonya and she's from Moldova. She had to explain her background multiple times to us because we couldn't understand and when we tried to ask her what time it was there she says in english "I'm in orem" hahahahha! Thankfully she spoke English! But it was really fun and I'm grateful for the experience.
This week I got elbowed in the face during exercise time haha, not as fun, but it's a fun story to tell because some elders do not get the idea that THE NET IS DANGEROUS AND YOU SHOULD NOT JUMP IN IT WHEN YOU WANT TO HIT THE BALL hahaha. I just went up to hit at the net and an elder on the other side went up and in to the net and elbowed me in the left eye. I'm okay, I just had a little scratch from the net and my eye bones are still a little tender but I'm fine! I was kinda hoping for a black eye.. but sadly that didn't happen. :\ oh well. 
Valentines day was this week! Really Valentines day is just like any other day in the MTC except lots of missionaries wear red and pink and give each other candy and do other nice things! It was really fun to hand out the little valentines my mom sent me to my new friends here at the MTC :) (don't worry I didn't give any to any elders other than the ones in my district lol. gotta send the right message.) But I just wanted to thank those who sent me something to make the holiday better! I got the sweetest card from Sister Jones (hannah's mom) and notes from my family and a package from MY FAVORITE LIL KIDDOS IN THE WHOLE WORLD! They drew lots of poop pictures for me on their letters haha I love them and that package made me the absolute happiest! Thanks Colie!!!
I'm so grateful for all the prayers and love and support! 10 days til we head out to Romania AHHH! (I barely know this language but OH WELL!!) 
Love you all!
-Sora Dahl

As for the pics:
-Lately I've been having themes for my outfits (?) on sunday I had inverted polka dots and then another day I was a farmer's wife and then I was a flight attendant hahahhaa. None of these were on purpose it's just fun to name a theme for what I'm wearing after I have it on.
-We did facemasks one night! so fun!
-On valentines our district (+sora pruett) wore pink :)
-Sora De Waal are "knocking" hahahaha lolll dumb

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