Sunday, February 11, 2018

February 3, 2018

This might have to be a short email I am pressed for time! Sorry friends and family!  
This has been the hardest week in the MTC yet, but there were many good things that happened even though things were hard!

The main thing I'm struggling with now is planning and goal setting. Before my mission I planned and set goals in a way that was very different than how they do it here. So it's a hard adjustment. And my big problem with goal setting is I get easily discouraged at long term goals and don't know how I'm going to get there. This is especially true with my language goals. It's hard and I'm not used to it yet but I know that the Lord will provide a way. If there's one thing I've learned about the MTC is that this truly is the Lord's work, and it has to be done in His way. If you do it in His way, THEN He will bless you and help you with His spirit! So I know that there's a reason for all this planning and goal setting and that the Lord will help me reach my goals.

Every week here at the MTC you're supposed to plan a talk for sacrament meeting, even if you may or may not speak. This past sunday I didn't have a talk prepared the night before, and so I spent 10 minutes and wrote something down. I told my Soras "I hope they don't have me speak!" Sure enough, I spoke on Sunday and AND I gave a prayer! Double duty!! Hahah, but it actually turned out to be an awesome experience. I talked about baptism, and how privileged I was to be able to see two of my nieces and nephews be baptized and see how happy and excited they were for it. I hope to be like them and view the gospel principles with as much excitement and enthusiasm as little children do!

Another quick thing about this week. We've taught SO MANY lessons! Some really good and some really not good hahaha and you can definitely tell a difference. The spirit testifies for you in the good lessons, you're disorganized and lose your direction in the bad ones.  Well, yesterday my companions and I had a REALLY bad lesson, we were disorganized, none of us knew where we were going with it, and we gave our investigators like 4 commitments at the end hahahah. We were super busy all day yesterday and so we didn't put a ton of time into planning this lesson and so we were hoping to be "guided" by the spirit haha. Well, turns out, the spirit only guides you when you put in the work FIRST! We learned that the hard way. We spent a good 10 minutes laughing so hard at how bad our lesson was hahahaha. But, not all lessons are bad, in fact, yesterday we also had a really good lesson with a different investigator, and our teacher Sora Pruett even told us afterwards that the lesson was really good and that she doesn't say that very often. It feels so good when you have a good lesson with the spirit! It makes you so happy and want to continue teaching! In fact, it's probably my favorite part about  my mission so far! 

So, the takeaway from all these good lesson/bad lesson stories is that sometimes things don't go well, and that's okay! You laugh about it, you learn form it, and you move on. That's what I learned about our bad lesson yesterday. 

Last couple of things before I finish this email. My favorite romanian word I learned this week is "din cand in cand" it means "occasionally" in English and it's REALLY FUN TO SAY! hahaha

Last piece of advice from our Elder Holland video we watched on Sunday:

Love you all and I'm so grateful for all the love and support!! 

OH! also we got to host new missionaries this week! so fun!!! i got some awesome letters and packages in the mail too! and the romanian flag was put up at the mtc! Yay!!

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