Thursday, February 1, 2018

January 28, 2018

So this is my weekly email! It's gonna be kinda fast because I don't have a ton of time (yikes) but I just want to thank everyone who sent me emails this week! It means a lot and I love to read them I'm sorry if I don't get the chance to send a reply to everyone! I know there's been a problem with my pictures and I'm trying to figure out how to fix that :\ makes me sad. Oh well. hopefully we figure that out soon. 

This was a good learning and growing week for me in the MTC! I'm finally getting the gist of how things work here, and I'm somewhat getting Romanian! I can do some very basic things, like basic prayers, basic testimonies, basic experiences, basic scripture sharing, and stuff like that. We've been teaching our "Romanian Investigator" and it's been good, but then our teachers Fratele Brundage and Sora Pruett had to remind us that it's not about what WE want to teach, but rather it's about what the INVESTIGATOR needs to feel. So with our last lesson with our investigator Tensi we decided to ask questions, share experiences, and bear testimony. And it was by far my favorite lesson we've given so far. This lesson was so different than all the other ones we've given. All the other ones have been like scripts that we just read off, but this one we asked and answered questions according to what we were feeling. A lesson is not a script and a script is not a lesson! And when you learn that, you can really feel the spirit as you testify. I can't believe that I felt the spirit that strong while SPEAKING IN ROMANIAN! A few weeks ago I never thought that was possible, but with the Lord's help and His gift of tongues it IS possible! One thing that was said this week was that "Don't view your mission language as a barrier that's in the way of sharing the gospel, but rather view it as a vehicle that helps to share it instead." Romanian is still hard for me so it's not a vehicle for me quite yet, but I know that through the Lord's help it will be! I just need to practice practice practice!

Our lesson with our investigator was probably one of my favorite experiences we had this week. There have been some other good ones but that is the one that's been the most meaningful to me so far. Elder Sitati of the Seventy came to our devotional on Sunday and that was really cool! Also my district and zone all sing in the choir and that is SO COOL! We sang sweet hour of prayer and it was beautiful! It's amazing how strong the spirit can be through music! 

One more cool thing for the week, after our tuesday evening devotional we met as a district and had a discussion and I felt the most beautiful spirit there. One thing my branch president talked about was that our mission, Romania/Moldova, was opened up by Russell M. Nelson, the prophet TODAY! And when he opened it, he said that Romania would be a country that will feed all its surrounding countries spiritually just as it did physically during historical times of trial. Isn't that so cool? That is a real prophetic prophesy from our prophet today and I GET TO BE A PART OF IT! I am so thankful! 

Some other random updates for this week:

Lots of elders/sister in our district have been getting treats and we got CINNAMON ROLLS!!! I had to teach everyone my stupid cinnamon rolls vine haha (sih-men, sih-sih-men rows) and that was really fun! if you haven't seen it, i've attached a video that has it hopefully you can actually watch it

Also, a funny thing one of my Soras said when we were having girl talk at night lol:
"you all got boyfriends before you left. I got tuberculosis." HAHAHAHAHAH 

Anyways, MTC life is crazy and busy but I KNOW I'm meant to be here and that I'm supposed to serve the people of Romania! 

One thing I said in our lesson with our investigator:
Eu stiu ca daca tu veni la Isus Hristos atuci El va veni la tine.
I know that if you come to Jesus Christ then He will come to you.

Love you all!

Love, Sora Dahl

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